miércoles, 22 de septiembre de 2010

Pegasus Challenge

Saludos a Todos.

Iniciamos con Pegasus Challenge apartir de Este Sabado y se jugaran durante Septiembre y Octubre.

Este Sabado tendremos este 1° Reto.

Back From the Forbidden!

  • This challenge is Advanced Format.
  • However, for this Challenge, the following cards are LIMITED instead of FORBIDDEN. That means that you can play with up to 1 copy of each of these cards in your Deck!.-
Black Luster Soldier - Envoy of the Beginning
Chaos Emperor Dragon - Envoy of the End
Magician of Faith
Tribe-Infecting Virus
Witch of the Black Forest
Brain Control
Change of Heart
Delinquent Duo
Dimension Fusion
Graceful Charity
Harpie’s Feather Duster
Heavy Storm
Mirage of Nightmare
Pot of Greed
Snatch Steal
The Forceful Sentry
Imperial Order
Ring of Destruction
Please note that the following cards are STILL FORBIDDEN: Cyber Jar, Cyber-Stein, Dark Magician of Chaos, Destiny Hero - Disk Commander, Fiber Jar, Magical Scientist, Makyura the Destructor, Rescue Cat, Sinister Serpent, Substitoad, Tsukuyomi, Victory Dragon, Yata-Garasu, Thousand-Eyes Restrict, Dark Strike Fighter, Butterfly Dagger - Elma, Card of Safe Return, Last Will, Painful Choice, Premature Burial, Crush Card Virus, Exchange of the Spirit, Last Turn, Time Seal.

Costo: $50.°° recibiras un Turbo Pack por inscripcion.
Formato: Advanced.
Pareo Suizo, Corte a top 4, con finales.
Premios en Boosters segun el # de jugadores participantes.

Este Domingo se Jugara la Gran final del Torneo Intertiendas. apartir de las 12 del Dia y Tendremos tambien un Torneo Pegasus Challenge con el siguiente formato:

Traditional Traditional Format
  • This challenge is Traditional Format.
There are no other special rules!

Costo: $50.°° recibiras un Turbo Pack por inscripcion.
Formato: Advanced.
Pareo Suizo, Corte a top 4, con finales.

Los Esperamos.


Equipo Let`s Play.

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