sábado, 1 de mayo de 2010

Shining Darkness - Spoiler Final!!!!!

Ghost Rare (1)

TSHD-EN040 Black-Winged Dragon

Secret Rare (8)

TSHD-EN044 Chaos Goddess
TSHD-EN083 Snyffus
TSHD-EN086 Saber Vault
TSHD-EN088 Wave-Motion Inferno
TSHD-EN089 Infernity Barrier
TSHD-EN097 Genex Neutron
TSHD-EN098 Infernity Destroyer
TSHD-EN099 Koa’ki Meiru Bergzak

Ultra Rare/Ultimate Rare (10)

TSHD-EN003 Blackwing - Breeze the Zephyr
TSHD-EN039 Herald of Perfection
TSHD-EN040 Black-Winged Dragon
TSHD-EN041 Chaos King Archfiend
TSHD-EN042 Infernity Doom Dragon
TSHD-EN043 Splendid Rose
TSHD-EN046 Cards for Black Feathers
TSHD-EN049 Into the Void
TSHD-EN050 Intercept Wave
TSHD-EN081 XX-Saber Darksoul

Super Rare (14)

TSHD-EN000 XX-Saber Boggart Knight
TSHD-EN009 Trust Guardian
TSHD-EN012 Infernity Mirage
TSHD-EN018 Bird of Roses
TSHD-EN025 Wattgiraffe
TSHD-EN048 Infernity Launcher
TSHD-EN063 Power Frame
TSHD-EN070 Damage Gate
TSHD-EN079 Synchro Ejection
TSHD-EN084 Nimble Sunfish
TSHD-EN087 Core Overclock
TSHD-EN095 Hydro Genex
TSHD-EN096 Ally of Justice Light Gazer

Rare (20)

TSHD-EN002 Blackwing - Gust the Backblast
TSHD-EN008 Dread Dragon
TSHD-EN014 Infernity Beetle
TSHD-EN015 Infernity Avenger
TSHD-EN016 Revival Rose
TSHD-EN022 Cherry Inmato
TSHD-EN023 Magidog
TSHD-EN030 Delta Tri
TSHD-EN035 Batteryman Fuel Cell
TSHD-EN037 Ally of Justice Core Destroyer
TSHD-EN051 Pyramid of Wonders
TSHD-EN052 The Fountain in the Sky
TSHD-EN055 Electronmagnetic Shield
TSHD-EN064 Blackwing - Backlash
TSHD-EN067 Guard Mines
TSHD-EN071 Infernity Inferno
TSHD-EN077 Koa'ki Meiru Shield
TSHD-EN082 Koa’ki Meiru Prototype
TSHD-EN085 Akz, the Pumer
TSHD-EN092 Genex Searcher

Common (48)

TSHD-EN001 Blackwing - Ghibli the Searing Wind
TSHD-EN004 Changer Synchron
TSHD-EN005 Card Breaker
TSHD-EN006 Second Booster
TSHD-EN007 Archfiend Interceptor
TSHD-EN010 Flare Resonator
TSHD-EN011 Synchro Magnet
TSHD-EN013 Infernity Randomizer
TSHD-EN017 Morphtronic Vacuumen
TSHD-EN019 Spore
TSHD-EN020 Fairy Archer
TSHD-EN021 Biofalcon
TSHD-EN024 Lyna the Light Charmer
TSHD-EN026 Wattfox
TSHD-EN027 Wattwoodpecker
TSHD-EN028 Koa'ki Meiru Sandman
TSHD-EN029 Memory Crush King
TSHD-EN031 Trigon
TSHD-EN032 Testudo Erat Numen
TSHD-EN033 Ronintoadin
TSHD-EN034 Batteryman AAA
TSHD-EN036 Key Mouse
TSHD-EN038 Hunter of Black Feathers
TSHD-EN045 Black-Winged Strafe
TSHD-EN053 Dragon Laser
TSHD-EN054 Wattcube
TSHD-EN056 Worm Call
TSHD-EN057 Magic Triangle of the Ice Barrier
TSHD-EN058 Koa'ki Meiru Initialize!
TSHD-EN059 Dawn of the Herald
TSHD-EN060 Forbidden Graveyard
TSHD-EN061 Leeching the Light
TSHD-EN062 Corridor of Agony
TSHD-EN065 Blackwing - Bombardment
TSHD-EN066 Black Thunder
TSHD-EN068 Infernity Reflector
TSHD-EN069 Infernity Break
TSHD-EN072 Phantom Hand
TSHD-EN073 Assault Spirits
TSHD-EN074 Blossom Bombardment
TSHD-EN075 Morphtronics Scramble
TSHD-EN076 Power Break
TSHD-EN078 Crevice Into the Different Dimension
TSHD-EN080 Chaos Trap Hole
TSHD-EN090 Genex Controller
TSHD-EN091 Genex Undine
TSHD-EN093 X-Saber Palomuro
TSHD-EN094 X-Saber Pashuul

TSHD-EN000 XX-Saber Boggart Knight
EARTH/Beast-Warrior - Effect/4/1900/1000
When this card is Normal Summoned, you can Special Summon a Level 4 or lower "X-Saber" monster from your hand. This card cannot be used as a Synchro Material Monster, except for the Synchro Summon of a "X-Saber" monster.
Super Rare

TSHD-EN001 Blackwing - Ghibli the Searing Wind
DARK/Winged-Beast - Effect/3/0/1600
When your opponent declares a direct attack, you can Special Summon this card from your hand. Once per turn, you can switch the origianl ATK and DEF of this card, until the End Phase.

TSHD-EN002 Blackwing - Gust the Backblast
DARK/Winged-Beast - Effect/2/900/1400
If you control no cards, you can Special Summon this card from your hand. While this card is face-up on the field. if your opponent's monster attacks a "Blackwing" monster you control, the attacking monster loses 300 ATK during the Damage Step only.

TSHD-EN003 Blackwing - Breeze the Zephyr
DARK/Winged-Beast - Tuner/3/1100/300
If this card is added from your Deck to your hand by the effect of a Spell, Trap, or Monster Card, you can Special Summon this card from your hand. This card cannot be used as a Synchro Material Monser, except for the Synchro Summon of a "Blackwing" monster.
Ultra Rare/Ultimate Rare

TSHD-EN004 Changer Synchron
DARK/Machine - Tuner/1/0/0
If this card is sent to the Graveyard for a Synchro Summon, select 1 monster your opponent controls and change its battle position.

TSHD-EN005 Card Breaker
LIGHT/Warrior - Effect/2/100/900
This card cannot be Normal Summoned or Set. This card can only be Special Summoned, in face-up Attack Position by sending 1 card from your Spell & Trap Card Zone to the Graveyard.

TSHD-EN006 Second Booster
FIRE/Machine - Effect/3/1000/500
You can Tribute this card to select 1 face-up Attack Position monster you control. The selected monster gains 1500 ATK until the End Phase.

TSHD-EN007 Archfiend Interceptor
DARK/Fiend - Effect/4/1400/1600
While you control this face-up Attack Position card, when an opponent's monster declares an attack, inflict 500 damage to your opponent.

TSHD-EN008 Dread Dragon
FIRE/Dragon - Tuner/2/1100/400
When this card is destroyed by battle and sent to the Graveyard, you can add 1 Level 3 or lower Dragon-Type monster from your Deck to your hand.

TSHD-EN009 Trust Guardian
LIGHT/Fairy - Tuner/3/0/800
This card cannot be used as a Synchro Material Monser, except for the Synchro Summon of a Level 7 or higher Synchro Monster. Once per turn, that Synchro Monster cannot be destroyed by battle. Each time this effect is applied, that Synchro Monster loses 400 ATK and DEF at the end of the Damage Step.
Super Rare

TSHD-EN010 Flare Resonator
FIRE/Fiend - Tuner/3/300/1300
The Synchro Monster that used this card as Synchro Material Monster gains 300 ATK.

TSHD-EN011 Synchro Magnet
EARTH/Machine - Tuner/3/1000/600
This card cannot be Normal Summoned or Set. When you Synchro Summon a Synchro Monster, you can Special Summon this card from your hand.

TSHD-EN012 Infernity Mirage
DARK/Fiend - Effect/1/0/0
This card cannot be Special Summoned from the Graveyard. If you have no cards in your hand, you can Tribute this card to select 2 "Infernity" monsters in your Graveyard. Special Summon those monsters.
Super Rare

TSHD-EN013 Infernity Randomizer
DARK/Warrior - Effect/1/900/0
Once per turn, while you have no cards in your hand, you can draw 1 card an reveal it. For a Monster Card drawn with this effect, inflict damage to your opponent equal to the Level of that monster x 200. For a Spell or Trap Card, you take 500 damage.

TSHD-EN014 Infernity Beetle
DARK/Insect - Tuner/2/1200/0
When you have no cards in your hand, you can Tribute this card to Special Summon up to 2 "Infernity Beetle" from your Deck.

TSHD-EN015 Infernity Avenger
DARK/Fiend - Tuner/1/0/0
When a monster you control except "Infernity Avenger" is destroyed by battle with an opponent's monster and sent to the Graveyard while you have no cards in your hand, you can Special Summon this card from your Graveyard. In that case, the Level of this card is equal to the Level of your destroyed monster.

TSHD-EN016 Revival Rose
DARK/Plant - Effect/4/1300/1300
If a Level 5 or higher Plant-Type monster you control is destroyed, you can Special Summon this card from the Graveyard.

TSHD-EN017 Morphtronic Vacuumen
WIND/Machine - Effect/1/0/0
- While in Attack Position: Once per turn, you can send 1 Equip Card equipped to this card to the Graveyard to inflict 500 damage to your opponent.
- While in Defense Position: Once per turn, you can equip 1 face-up Attack Position monster your opponent controls to this card as an Equip Card. (You can only equip 1 monster at a time to this card by this effect.)

TSHD-EN018 Bird of Roses
WIND/Plant - Effect/4/1800/1500
When this face-up Attack Position card is destroyed by battle with an opponent's attacking monster and send to the Graveyard, you can Special Summon 2 Plant-Type Tuner monsters from your Deck in face-up Defense Position.
Super Rare

TSHD-EN019 Spore
WIND/Plant - Tuner/1/400/800
If this card is in your Graveyard, you can remove from play 1 other Plant-Type monster from your Graveyard to Special Summon this card from your Graveyard, and increase its Level by the Level of the monster removed from play to activate this effect. Each player can only use the effect of "Spore" once per Duel.

TSHD-EN020 Fairy Archer
LIGHT/Fairy - Effect/3/1400/600
During your Main Phase, you can inflict 400 damage to your opponent for each face-up LIGHT monster you control. This card cannot attack during the same turn you activate this effect. Only one "Fairy Archer" can have its effect activated per turn.

TSHD-EN021 Biofalcon
LIGHT/Machine - Effect/4/1700/1200
When a Machine-Type monster you control is destroyed by battle and sent to the Graveyard while this card is face-up on the field, you can add 1 Machine-Type monster with 1000 or less ATK from your Deck to your hand.

TSHD-EN022 Cherry Inmato
DARK/Plant - Tuner/2/700/400
When this card is destroyed by battle and sent to the Graveyard, you can Special Summon up to 2 "Inmato" monsters from your Deck. They cannot be used as Synchro Material Monsters this turn.

TSHD-EN023 Magidog
LIGHT/Spellcaster - Effec/4/1700/1000
If this card is sent to the Graveyard for the Synchro Summon of a Spellcaster-Type monster, you can select and add 1 Field Spell Card from your Graveyard to your hand.

TSHD-EN024 Lyna the Light Charmer
LIGHT/Spellcaster - Effect/3/500/1500
FLIP: Take control of 1 LIGHT monster your opponent controls, while this card is face-up on the field.

TSHD-EN025 Wattgiraffe
LIGHT/Thunder - Effect/4/1200/100
This card can attack your opponent directly. When this card inflicts Battle Damage to your opponent by a direct attack, your opponent cannot activate Spells, Traps, Spell/Trap effect, or Monster Card effects until the End Phase of this turn.
Super Rare

TSHD-EN026 Wattfox
LIGHT/Thunder - Tuner/2/800/100
If this card is destroyed by your opponent's card (either by battle or by card effect), your opponent cannot Special Summon a monster, or activate Spells, Traps, Spell/Trap effects, or Monster Card effects, for the rest of this turn.

TSHD-EN027 Wattwoodpecker
LIGHT/Thunder - Effect/3/1000/100
This card can attack twice during each Battle Phase. Any monster that battles this card cannot change its battle position.

TSHD-EN028 Koa'ki Meiru Sandman
EARTH/Rock - Effect/4/1900/1200
During each of your End Phases, destroy this card unless you send 1 "Iron Core of Koa'ki Meiru" from your hand to the Graveyard or reveal 1 Rock-Type monster in your hand. You can Tribute this card to negate the activation of a Trap Card and destroy it.

TSHD-EN029 Memory Crush King
DARK/Fiend - Effect/5/2000/0
When this card inflicts Battle Damage to your opponent by a direct attack, remove from play all Synchro Monsters in your opponent's Graveyard, inflicts 1000 damage to your opponent for each monster removed.

TSHD-EN030 Delta Tri
LIGHT/Machine - Effect/4/1200/1000
If this card destroys an opponent's monster by battle, select and activate 1 of these effects:- Select 1 appropriate Union monster in your Graveyard an equip it to this card. - Select 1 face-up LIGHT Machine-Type monster you control, and return it to the Deck. Then draw 1 card.

TSHD-EN031 Trigon
FIRE/Dragon - Union/3/500/1700
Once per turn, during your Main Phase, you can equip this card to a Machine-Type monster you control as an Equip Card, OR unequip it to Special Summon this card in face-up Attack Position. While equipped to a monster by this effect, if the equipped monster destroys an opponent's monster by battle, select and Special Summon 1 Level 4 or lower LIGHT Machine-Type monster from your Graveyard. (A monster can only be equipped with 1 Union Monster at a time. If the equipped monster would be destroyed, destroy this card instead.)

TSHD-EN032 Testudo Erat Numen
WATER/Aqua - Effect/1/0/1800
Neither player can Special Summon monsters with 1800 or more ATK.

TSHD-EN033 Ronintoadin
WATER/Aqua - Effect/2/100/2000
This card's name is treated as "Des Frog" while face-up on the field. You can remove from play 1 "Frog" monster in your Graveyard, except "Frog the Jam", to Special Summon this card from your Graveyard. This card cannot be used as a Synchro Material Monster.

TSHD-EN034 Batteryman AAA
LIGHT/Thunder - Effect/4/0/0
When this card is Normal Summoned or flipped face-up, you can Special Summon 1 "Batteryman AAA" from your hand or Graveyard.

TSHD-EN035 Batteryman Fuel Cell
LIGHT/Thunder - Thunder/6/2100/0
If you control 2 or more face-up "Batteryman" monsters, you can Special Summon this card from your hand. Once per turn, you can Tribute 1 "Batteryman" monster, except this card, to select 1 card your opponent controls and return it to its owner's hand.

TSHD-EN036 Key Mouse
EARTH/Beast - Tuner/1/100/100
When this card is destroyed by battle and sent to the Graveyard, you can add 1 Level 3 or lower Beast-Type monster from your Deck to your hand.

TSHD-EN037 Ally of Justice Core Destroyer
DARK/Machine - Effect/3/1200/200
If this card attacks or is attacked by a LIGHT monster, destroy that monster at the start of the Damage Step (without damage calculation).

TSHD-EN038 Hunter of Black Feathers
LIGHT/Beast-Warrior - Effect/4/1700/1000
While your opponent controls 2 or more face-up monsters, all of the same Type, you can send 1 card from your hand to the Graveyard to select and destroy 1 face-up monster your opponent controls.

TSHD-EN039 Herald of Perfection
LIGHT/Fairy - Ritual - Effect/6/1800/2800
This card can only be Ritual Summoned with the Ritual Spell Card, "Dawn of the Herald". When your opponent activates a Spell Card, Trap Card, or Effect Monster's effect, you can send 1 Fairy-Type monster from your hand to the Graveyard to negate the activation and destroy that card.
Ultra Rare/Ultimate Rare

TSHD-EN040 Black-Winged Dragon
DARK/Dragon - Synchro - Effect/8/2800/1600
1 Tuner + 1 or more Non-Tuner monster
Whenever you would take damage from a card effect, place 1 Black Feather Counter on this card instead. This card loses 700 ATK fo each Black Feahter Counter on it. Once per turn, you can remove all Black Feather Counters on this card to have 1 face-up monster your opponent controls lose 700 ATK for each Black Feather Counter, and inflict damage to your opponent equal to the ATK lost by that monster because of this effect.
Ultra Rare/Ultimate Rare/Ghost Rare

TSHD-EN041 Chaos King Archfiend
DARK/Fiend - Synchro - Effect/7/2600/2600
1 Fiend-Type Tuner + 1 or more non-Tuner monsters
When this card declares an attack, you can switch the ATK and DEF of all face-up monsters your opponent control, until the end of the Battle Phase.
Ultra Rare/Ultimate Rare

TSHD-EN042 Infernity Doom Dragon
DARK/Dragon - Synchro - Effect/8/3000/2400
1 DARK Tuner + 1 or more non-Tuner monsters
Once per turn, if you have no cards in your hand, you can select 1 monster your opponent controls. Destroy that monster and inflict damage to your opponent equal to half its ATK. This card cannot attack during the same turn you activate this effect.
Ultra Rare/Ultimate Rare

TSHD-EN043 Splendid Rose
WIND/Plant - Synchro - Effect/6/2200/2000
1 Tuner + 1 or more non-Tuner monsters
Once per turn, you can remove from play 1 Plant-Type monster in your Graveyard to halve the ATK of 1 face-up monster your opponent controls, until the End Phase of this turn. If this card attacks, during the same Battle Phase you can remove from play 1 Plant-Type monster in your Graveyard to halve the ATK of this card (until the End Phase) and attack once again.
Ultra Rare/Ultimate Rare

TSHD-EN044 Chaos Goddess
LIGHT/Fairy - Synchro - Effect/8/2500/1800
1 LIGHT Tuner + 2 or more non-Tuner DARK monsters
Once per turn, you can send 1 LIGHT monster from your hand to the Graveyard to select 1 Level 5 or higher DARK monster in your Graveyard. Special Summon that monster. It cannot be used as a Synchr Material Monster.
Secret Rare

TSHD-EN045 Black-Winged Strafe
Normal Spell Card
Send 1 "Blackwing" monster from your hand to the Graveyard to select 1 Defense Position monster your opponent controls. Send that monster to the Graveyard.

TSHD-EN046 Cards for Black Feathers
Normal Spell Card
Remove from play 1 "Blackwing" monster in your hand to draw 2 cards. You cannot Special Summon during the same turn you activate this card. You can only activate 1 "Cards of Black Feathers" per turn.
Ultra Rare/Ultimate Rare

Normal Spell Card
Activate only if you have no cards in your hand. Select 1 "Infernity" monster in your Graveyard. Special Summon it. and destroy all face-up monsters on the field with ATK lower than the Special Summoned monster's ATK. You cannot conduct your Battle Phase during the same turn you activate this card.
Super Rare

TSHD -EN048 Infernity Launcher
Continuous Spell Card
Once per turn, you can send 1 "Infernity" monster from your hand to the Graveyard. While you have no cards in your hand, you can send this card from the field to the Graveyard to select up to 2 "Infernity" monsters in your Graveyard and Special Summon them.
Super Rare

TSHD-EN049 Into the Void
Normal Spell Card
Activate only if your have 3 or more cards in your hand. Draw 1 card. During the End Phase of this turn, discard all the cards in your hand.
Ultra Rare/Ultimate Rare

TSHD-EN050 Intercept Wave
Quick-Play Spell Card
All Synchro Monster on the field are changed to Defense Position. And then, return all face-up Synchro Monster to the Extra Deck during the End Phase.
Ultra Rare/Ultimate Rare

TSHD-EN051 Pyramid of Wonders
Continuous Spell Card
All face-up Zombie-Type monsters you control gain 200 ATK for each monster your opponent controls. If (exactly) 1 face-up Zombie-Type monster you control would be destroyed, you can send this card to the Graveyard instead.

TSHD-EN052 The Fountain in the Sky
Continuous Spell Card
When a LIGHT monster is destroyed by battle and sent to your Graveyard, you can remove that monster from play to gain Life Points equal to its ATK.

TSHD-EN053 Dragon Laser
Quick-Play Spell Card
Send 1 "Trigon" equipped to a face-up "Delta Tri" you control to the Graveyard, and destroy all monsters your opponent controls.

TSHD-EN054 Wattcube
Equip Spell Card
Equip only to a Thunder-Type monster. It gains 100 ATK for each Thunder-Type monster in your Graveyard. You can send this face-up card from the field to the Graveyard to have 1 face-up Thunder-Type monster you control gain 1000 ATK.

TSHD-EN055 Electronmagnetic Shield
Continuous Spell Card
Level 3 or lower Defense Position Thunder-Type monsters you control cannot be destroyed by battle. Destroy this card if you control a face-up Attack Position monster.

TSHD-EN056 Worm Call
Continuous Spell Card
Once per turn, if your opponent controls a monster and you control no monsters, you can Special Summon 1 Reptile-Type "Worm" monster from your hand in face-down Defense Position.

TSHD-EN057 Magic Triangle of the Ice Barrier
Normal Spell Card
Reveal 3 "Ice Barrier" monster with different names in your hand to select 1 card your opponent controls. Destroy the opponent's card an Special Summon 1 "Ice Barrier" monster from your hand.

TSHD-EN058 Koa'ki Meiru Initialize!
Quick-Play Spell Card
Tribute 1 "Koa'ki Meiru" monster to add 1 "Iron Core of Koa'ki Meiru" from your Deck or Graveyard to your hand.

TSHD-EN059 Dawn of the Herald
Ritual Spell Card
This card is used to Ritual Summon "Herald of Perfection". You must also Tribute monsters whose total Levels equal exactly 6 from the field or your hand. When "Herald of Perfection" is Ritual Summoned by this card's effect, you can remove from play this card in your Graveyard to select 1 of the monsters Tributed for that Ritual Summon, and return it from your Graveyard to your hand.

TSHD-EN060 Forbidden Graveyard
Quick-Play Spell Card
Activate by discarding 1 card. Effects that activate in the Graveyard this turn are negated.

TSHD-EN061 Leeching the Light
Normal Spell Card
Select 1 face-up LIGHT monster your opponent controls. All face-up Attack Position monsters you control gain ATK equal to the ATK of the selected monster, until the End Phase.

TSHD-EN062 Corridor of Agony
Continuous Spell Card
Monsters that were Special Summoned from the Main Deck cannot activate their effects, their effects are negated, and they cannot declare an attack, as long as they remain face-up on the field.

TSHD-EN063 Power Frame
Normal Trap Card
Activate only when a face-up monster you control is selected as an attack target by an opponent's monster with a higher ATK. Negate that attack, and equip this card to your monster that was being attacked. The equipped monster gains ATK equal to the difference in ATK between the two monsters.
Super Rare

TSHD-EN064 Blackwing - Backlash
Normal Trap Card
Activate only when your opponent's monster declares a direct attack while you have 5 or more "Blackwing" monsters in your Graveyard. Destroy all monsters your opponent controls.

TSHD-EN065 Blackwing - Bombardment
Normal Trap Card
Tribute 1 "Blackwing" monster to select 1 face-up Synchro Monster you control. That Synchro Monster gains ATK equal to the Tributed monster's ATK, until the End Phase.

TSHD-EN066 Black Thunder
Normal Trap Card
Activate only when a "Blackwing" monster you control is destroyed by battle and sent to the Graveyard. Inflict 400 damage to your opponent for each card your opponent controls.

TSHD-EN067 Guard Mines
Normal Trap Card
Activate only when a card is activated with an effect that would target and destroy 1 monster you control. Negate the effect and destroy that card. Then inflict 500 damage to your opponent.

TSHD-EN068 Infernity Reflector
Normal Trap Card
Activate only by discarding all the cards in your hand when an "Infernity" monster you control is destroyed by battle and sent to the Graveyard. Select and Special Summon that monster from your Graveyard, and inflict 1000 damage to your opponent'

TSHD-EN069 Infernity Break
Normal Trap Card
Activate only if you have no cards in your hand. Select 1 "Infernity" card in your Graveyard and remove it from play. Select 1 card your opponent controls and destroy it.

TSHD-EN070 Damage Gate
Normal Trap Card
Activate only when you take Battle Damage. Special Summon 1 monster from your Graveyard with ATK less than or equal to the amount of damage you took.
Super Rare

TSHD-EN071 Infernity Inferno
Normal Trap Card
Discard up to 2 cards, and send the same number of "Infernity" cards from your Deck to the Graveyard.

TSHD-EN072 Phantom Hand
Continuous Trap Card
Once per turn, if you control a face-up "Infernity" monster(s), you can remove from play all cards in your hand face-down until your next Standby Phase.

TSHD-EN073 Assault Spirits
Normal Trap Card
After activation, treat this card as an Equip Card, and equip it to a monser you control. Once per turn, during the equipped monster's attack, you can send 1 monster with 1000 or less ATK from your hand to the Graveyard during the Damage Step to have the equipped monster gain the ATK of the sent monster until the End Phase.

TSHD-EN074 Blossom Bombardment
Normal Trap Card
Activate only when a Plant-Type monster you control destroys an opponent's monster by battle and sends it to the Graveyard. Inflict damage to your opponent equal to the destroyed monster's original ATK.

TSHD-EN075 Morphtronics Scramble
Normal Trap Card
Activate only when your opponent declares a direct attack while you control no monsters. Negate that attack and Special Summon 1 "Morphtronic" monster from your hand.

TSHD-EN076 Power Break
Normal Trap Card
Activate only while you control a face-up "Power Tool Dragon". Select up to 3 Equip Cards on your side of the field and/or in your Graveyard and return them to the Deck, and inflict 500 damage to your opponent for each card retuned.

TSHD-EN077 Koa'ki Meiru Shield
Normal Trap Card
Activate only when your opponent's monster declares an attack if you have 2 or more "Iron Core of Koa'ki Meiru" in your Graveyard. Destroy all face-up Attack Position monsters your opponent controls.

TSHD-EN078 Crevice Into the Different Dimension
Normal Trap
Declare 1 Attribute and select a total of 2 monsters with that Attribute from the Graveyard. Remove those monsters from play.

TSHD-EN079 Synchro Ejection
Normal Trap Card
Select 1 face-up Synchro Monster your opponent controls and remove it from play. Then, your opponent draws 1 card.
Super Rare

TSHD-EN080 Chaos Trap Hole
Counter Trap Card
Pay 2000 Life Points. Negate the Summon of a LIGHT or DARK monster and remove it from play.

TSHD-EN081 XX-Saber Darksoul
EARTH/Beast - Effect/3/100/100
If this card you control is sent to the Graveyard, duringthe End Phase, you can add 1 "X-Saber" monster from yourDeck to your hand.
Ultra Rare/Ultimate Rare

TSHD-EN082 Koa’ki Meiru Prototype
EARTH/Rock - Effect/4/1800/1800
If a face-up "Koa'ki Meiru" monster would be destroyed during the End Phase, you can destroy this card instead. When a face-up "Koa'ki Meiru" monster is destroyed during the End Phase, you can Special Summon 1 "Koa'ki Meiru" Token (Rock-Type/EARTH/Level 4/ATK 1800/DEF 1800)

TSHD-EN083 Snyffus
EARTH/Beast - Tuner/1/100/100
Once per turn, you can tribute 1 Plant-Type monster to select and destroy 1 face-up card your opponent controls. When a Plant-Type monster(s) on the field is destroyed while this card is in the Graveyard, you can Special Summon this card from the Graveyard. If you do, it is removed from play when it is removed from the field.
Secret Rare

TSHD-EN084 Nimble Sunfish
WATER/Fish - Effect/2/1000/100
When this card is destroyed by battle and sent to the Graveyard, send 1 Fish-Type monster from your Deck to the Graveyard. Then, you can Special Summon 1 "Nimble Sunfish" from your Deck.
Super Rare

TSHD-EN085 Akz, the Pumer
EARTH/Beast-Warrior - Effect/6/1500/1000
This card cannot be Normal Summoned or Set. This card can only be Special Summoned by removing from play 2 Beast-Warrior-Type monsters in your Graveyard. Once per turn, you can discard 1 Beast-Warrior-Type monster to activate 1 of the following effects:- Double this card's ATK until the End Phase.- This card can attack your opponent directly this turn.

TSHD-EN086 Saber Vault
Field Spell Card
Each face-up "X-Saber" monster on the field gains 100 ATK x its Level, and loses 100 DEF x its Level.
Secret Rare

TSHD-EN087 Core Overclock
Continuous Spell Card
All face-up "Koa'ki Meiru" monsters you control gain 500 ATK. Once per turn, during your Main Phase, you can discard 1 "Iron Core of Koa'ki Meiru" to have all face-up "Koa'ki Meiru" monsters you control gain 1000 ATK until the End Phase.
Super Rare

TSHD-EN088 Wave-Motion Inferno
Continuous Spell Card
While you have no cards in your hand, face-up "Infernity" monsters you control gain 400 ATK and DEF. You can send this face-up card from the field to the Graveyard to send all cards from your hand to the Graveyard.
Secret Rare

TSHD-EN089 Infernity Barrier
Counter Trap Card
Activate only when your opponent activates a Spell Card, Trap Card, or Effect Monster's effect, if you control a face-up Attack Position "Infernity" monster and have no cards in your hand. Negate the activation and destroy that card.
Secret Rare

TSHD-EN090 Genex Controller
DARK/Machine - Tuner/1400/1200
One of the few Genex members that can communicate with its companions. A master of various powers of elements.

TSHD-EN091 Genex Undine
WATER/Aqua - Effect/3/1200/600
When this card is Normal Summoned, you can send 1 WATER monster from your Deck to the Graveyard ot add 1 "Genex Controller" from your Deck to your hand.

TSHD-EN092 Genex Searcher
EARTH/Machine - Effect/4/1600/400
When this card is destroyed by battle and sent to the Graveyard, you can Special Summon 1 "Genex" monster with 1500 or less ATK from your Deck in face-up Attack Position.

TSHD-EN093 X-Saber Palomuro
EARTH/Reptile - Tuner/1/200/300
When another "Saber" monster you control is destroyed by battle and sent to the Graveyard, you can pay 500 Life Points to Special Summon this card from the Graveyard.

TSHD-EN094 X-Saber Pashuul
EARTH/Warrior - Tuner/2/100/0
This card cannot be destroed by battle. If this card is in face-up Defense Position, you take 1000 damage during each of your opponent's Standby Phases.

TSHD-EN095 Hydro Genex
WATER/Machine - Synchro - Effect/6/2300/1800
"Genex Controller" + 1 or more non-Tuner WATER monsters
When this card is destroys an opponent's monster by battle and sends it to the Graveyard, gain Life Points equal to the ATK of the destroyed monster.
Super Rare

TSHD-EN096 Ally of Justice Light Gazer
DARK/Machine - Synchro - Effect/8/2400/1600
1 Tuner + 1 or more non-Tuner monsters
This card gains 200 ATK for each LIGHT monster in your opponent's Graveyard.
Super Rare

TSHD-EN097 Genex Neutron
LIGHT/Machine - Effect/4/1800/1200
During the End Phase of the turn this card was Normal Summoned, you can add 1 Machine-Type Tuner from your Deck to your hand.
Secret Rare

TSHD-EN098 Infernity Destroyer
DARK/Fiend - Effect/6/2300/1000
While you have no cards in your hand, when this card destroys an opponent's monster by battle and sends it to the Graveyard, inflict 1600 damage to your opponent.
Secret Rare

TSHD-EN099 Koa’ki Meiru Bergzak
EARTH/Warrior - Effect/4/2000/200
During each of your End Phases, destroy this card unless you send 1 "Iron Core of Koa'ki Meiru" from your hand to the Graveyard or reveal 1 Warrior-Type monster in your hand. If this card destroys an opponent's monster battle, this card can attack once more in a row.
Secret Rare

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4 comentarios:

  1. Me gusta mucho la expansion...pero no lo que han hecho con las rarezas. Subir todo lo bueno de comun a foil lo unico que hace es encarecer los decks y volver a un ambiente en el que los que mas dinero tienen son los que ganan (vease el formato Tele-DAD). Asi que un 0 para Konami, un 10 para los diseñadores del juego.


  2. Estoy de acuerdo con @Din ... El deck x-saber (que es el que utilizo) va a volver caro :( - Lo bueno es que le estan dando buen up cada nueva expansion! Vienen buenas cartas! A ver que pasa.. :P

  3. Asi es, como de seguro al deck BW le pegaran duro en sep, ya quieren sacarle el ultimo jugo a los jugadores d estos decks al poner las unicas 2 cartas q en realidad podrian servir d algo para el deck, q es el Blackwing – Breeze the Zephyr y la Cards for Black Feathers al ponerlas ultra las 2, en OCG, breeze era super y la cards/treasure era rara T.T

  4. Yo tengo un deck de XX-Saber y participe en el Preview, y no saben la suerte que tuve, de que me salieron 2 XX-Saber Darksoul ultimate, a otro participante le salio otro y logre cambiarlo, y para rematar saque XX-Saber Boggart Knight de booster, =) el mejor preview que he tenido, solo me falto ganar el playmat.


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